After much deliberation, I’ve finally got started! I made a thing! Here’s how it happened.
First, I picked a game engine. My choices were: Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot. I wanted to go with Godot, as it is an open-source project with a lot of growing interest, but I realized that initially, I would need a lot of help from an experienced community, and Unity was the way to go. Moreover, it is the engine of choice for most mobile game developers.
Next, I needed to start learning how to use the engine. I began by looking for official tutorials, but they seemed slow, and I wanted to jump-start my learning process. So, I decided to use GMTK’s “Flappy Bird” tutorial and recreate it with barely any changes.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t too difficult, and within an hour, I had a working “game” in Unity. This experience introduced me quickly to how Unity works and helped me understand the basics of game development. I learned about Unity’s game objects and components and navigating the interface. And here it is, my very first “game,” although it can hardly be called my own: Flappy Birb.
After my initial success with GMTK’s tutorial, I plan on working with the official Unity tutorials and a course by on making mobile games with Unity. I’m excited to see where this will take me and what new skills I’ll learn. Here’s looking forward to a productive 2023!