Making games is a relatively new interest of mine. For ages, I have enjoyed playing games without thinking about how it would feel like to make one of my own.
It was only recently that I strongly felt that I ought to explore game development as a means to build a career, as well as to better understand this hobby that I love so much.
Today, I’ve decided to put this new interest of mine on hiatus, as it hasn’t exactly been off to a great start. Sure, I have learned a lot in the past few months and have published two games on the Play Store as well as a simple game on However, none of these games are truly my own. They were derived from tutorials and were quite educational.
Now though, I want to take some time off to truly explore what it is I want to do in the video game industry, and then return to game development with a more focused mind.
I will make sure to document my return over here. Until then, enjoy a random assortment of blog posts in the Playing Games category!